Frankly, I just needed a break from social media.
I was starting to feel overwhelmed and couldn't think straight with the amount of information and content I was consuming.
During that break I lost my writing streak and honestly, it feels relieving.
The essays were starting to feel like a chore and if something’s beginning to feel that way, I know burnout's around the corner.
I also do a lot of writing outside of just these essays, so it was becoming very challenging trying to balance everything and having to switch between different writing voices every single day.
But, I still achieved my initial goal of 30 essays in 30 days and ended up stopping at 88.
I still plan on writing essays a couple times a week because I love writing, but with more of my attention going towards top of funnel content writing for my business.
And I love creating content for fun and marketing purposes, but the business and clients always come first.
So if I ever disappear from social, just know I needed a mental health break or the business needs more attention than time I have in the day.
As always, if you took the time to read this, I appreciate you more than you know.
Essay #89 - 6.28.21 (streak broken)